7+ Example Mental Health Leave Of Absence Letter From Doctor

As life continues to evolve, it can become increasingly difficult to keep up with the stresses of every day. Taking a mental health leave from work can be extremely beneficial in helping you reset and reclaim your emotional balance. With employers becoming more aware of the importance of mental health and supporting their employees who are feeling overwhelmed, an example mental health leave letter from a doctor is often needed in order for this reprieve to be granted.

In this post, we will explore different examples of mental health letters that provide insight on how best to ask for such an absence when you need one, so you can get the much-needed time off that is essential to restore your well-being.

How To Write a Mental Health Leave Of Absence Letter from a Doctor

Sample 1

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Hope this letter finds you in a state of mental bliss, tranquility, and voracious curiosities about the human mind. I am writing to officially inform you about the recommended leave of absence for my equally intriguing patient, [Patient’s Name].

As a doctor, it is my professional duty to guard and restore the sanctity of the mental realm. Similar to a superhero with an advanced degree, I battle against the villainous forces of anxiety, depression, and their notorious sidekick, stress.

In the case of [Patient’s Name], an individual who possesses an uncanny ability to navigate life’s intricacies (or as they put it, “being funny in a world that ain’t always sunshine”), a mental health leave of absence has risen to the forefront as the most suitable course of action. This hiatus will allow for substantial rejuvenation, contemplation, and extensive binge-watching of Seinfeld episodes, as that has proven to be a therapeutic necessity.

[Patient’s Name] has been exceeding the expected levels of comedic genius and, quite frankly, the pressures have started to weigh upon their soul – like two overweight chickenmen sitting on a couch liberally eating pretzels.

Through my professional evaluation, I have determined that a temporary separation from the daily grind will provide them with the opportunity to recharge their comedic batteries, recalibrate their observational skills, and regain their equilibrium. This medicine-free sabbatical will not only benefit [Patient’s Name]’s mental health but will also ensure the continuation of their unparalleled ability to make others laugh until they snort.

During this leave of absence, I am confident [Patient’s Name] will engage in various mind-soothing activities. These include indulging in copious amounts of gelato (preferably triple fudge chocolate with chunks of pretzel dough), embarking on scenic walks through idyllic parks to mentally dissect the true meaning of life, and engaging in impromptu conversations with pigeons who loiter around their neighborhood.

Rest assured, once their mental health is fully revitalized, [Patient’s Name] will return to their comedic pursuits with unprecedented wit, hilarity, and a newfound appreciation for that mediocre joe we call “normalcy.”

In conclusion, I kindly request your understanding and support in granting [Patient’s Name] this mental health leave of absence. Together, we can cultivate an environment that nurtures their mental well-being, allowing them to continue conquering the world – one carefully crafted joke at a time.

If you have any further questions, require additional comedic material, or need help locating lost socks (because nothing is more mentally distressing than mismatched footwear), please do not hesitate to reach out. Your assistance in this matter is deeply appreciated.

Wishing you peace, laughter, and an irrational fear of clowns.


[Your Name], MD

Sample 2

Dear [Employer’s Name],

Hey there, it’s your friendly neighborhood doctor, just swooping in to drop off a little note about our good friend, mental health. Now, let me preface this by saying, I’m not a magician, but I’ve certainly seen my fair share of spells that can really mess with a person’s well-being. It’s like juggling chainsaws while balancing on a tightrope; a recipe for disaster, if you ask me.

So, here’s the deal: your superstar employee, [Your Name], has been experiencing some serious turbulence up in the old noggin, and it’s truly best for all parties involved if they take a little mental health leave of absence. Trust me, you don’t want the alternative—a meltdown in the break room followed by a dramatic exit, complete with interpretive dance routine.

[Your Name] is dealing with a case of the ol’ anxiety and depression tag team. It’s a one-two punch that can really knock a person out for the count. They’ve been putting on a brave face and soldiering through, but even the most fearless warriors need time to recharge.

Now, don’t you worry your pretty little head, because I assure you, [Your Name] is under my watchful eye. I’m the Sherlock Holmes of psychiatry—minus the pipe, plus a lab coat. Together, we’re figuring out the best course of action to get them back to peak performance, sharper than a well-groomed pencil.

Considering the hectic nature of their work life, it’s imperative that [Your Name] takes some time off. Just like a car engine needs an oil change, sometimes our brains need a little TLC. Trust me, you don’t want to see what happens when someone’s oil light starts flashing—it’s not pretty, my friend.

During this leave of absence, [Your Name] will be focusing on therapy, self-care, and all the things that will help them come back roaring like a lion in a disco. We’re not talking about a vacation at the Bahamas—it’s more like a mental boot camp, minus the push-ups and heavy lifting.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—”Will this affect their job performance?” And my answer is a resounding “No, sir!” In fact, when they return, they’ll be ready to tackle their work with the ferocity of a caffeinated squirrel on a mission. It’s going to be a sight to behold, I promise.

So, let’s do this right, [Employer’s Name]. Extend your understanding and support to [Your Name], and let them take this mental health leave of absence. Together, we can create an environment that fosters well-being and helps [Your Name] come back better than ever.

Thank you for your cooperation and for being the kind of boss who understands that sometimes, our minds need a little vacation to get back on track.


[Doctor’s Name]

How To Write Mental Health Leave Of Absence Letter From Therapist

Sample 1

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Hi there, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood therapist and resident comedian, Jerry Seinfeld! I hope this letter finds you well and still managing to find humor in the absurdities of life. I’m writing to announce that I will be taking a mental health leave of absence, but fear not, I’ll be back to joke around with you soon.

Being a therapist is no joke, pun intended. It requires constant focus, empathy, and an ability to shoulder the weight of others’ worries. But even a jester needs a break from time to time, and hence, I’ve decided to take this hiatus to recharge my humorous batteries and give myself a well-deserved laugh sabbatical.

You see, just like my stand-up gigs, therapy sessions can be emotionally demanding and mentally draining. It’s crucial for any therapist to maintain their own mental well-being before they can lend a hand (and a funny bone) to others. So, I’ve made the executive decision to hit the pause button temporarily on my therapeutic endeavors.

During this leave of absence, I plan to immerse myself in the world of comedy, explore the depths of humor, and perhaps even craft some fresh material for my stand-up routine. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and this time away will allow me to fill my prescription and return to my role as everyone’s favorite therapist in peak comedic form.

I want to assure you that my decision to take this break was not made lightly. I care deeply for all my clients, and their well-being is always at the forefront of my mind. While I’m away, I encourage you to continue seeking support and exploring other avenues for growth and healing.

Rest assured that I have arranged for a trusted colleague to step in and provide the care and support you need during my absence. They possess the same passion for mental health and incorporate humor into their therapeutic approach, ensuring that your journey continues uninterrupted and with a sprinkle of comedy.

I promise to return with fresh insights, a rejuvenated spirit, and a whole new collection of jokes that will have you rolling on the floor laughing. Until then, know that you’re in capable hands and that I’ll be eagerly waiting to pick up where we left off upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding, trust, and for allowing me to be a part of your journey towards better mental health. Remember, laughter can heal the soul, so keep finding moments of joy and mirth along the way.

Wishing you continued growth and the resilience to handle life’s punchlines,

Jerry Seinfeld

Sample 2

Dear World,

It is with a heavy heart that I must temporarily bid you adieu, as I embark on a much-needed mental health leave of absence. As a therapist, I typically spend my days listening to other people’s problems, helping them navigate the muddy waters of their emotions. But lately, I’ve come to realize that I’m in need of a little self-care myself. You know what they say, even therapists need therapy!

Now, I’ve been analyzing the situation, metaphorically scratching my head like an overworked monkey searching for solutions. It turns out that my emotional tank has been running on empty, like one of those pesky gas stations that never has your preferred chocolate bar on hand. It’s time for a recharge, a mental vacation, if you will.

Life’s ups and downs can be quite the rollercoaster ride. And boy, have I been on a wild one lately! Between dealing with clients’ emotional rollercoasters and grappling with my own existential crisis, it’s a miracle I haven’t sprouted a few more grey hairs (although, I must admit, they’re starting to make an appearance).

You see, dear World, I firmly believe that in order to help others, you need to take care of yourself first. It’s like the oxygen mask on an airplane – you gotta secure it on yourself before you can assist those around you. And at the moment, my oxygen levels are running dangerously low, requiring me to take a step back and breathe in some fresh air.

During my leave of absence, I plan to indulge in a little self-reflection, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Maybe I’ll finally learn to play the ukulele — a soothing instrument for both the player and listener alike. Or perhaps I’ll lose myself in the world of gardening, tending to plants that literally rely on my care to survive. As I nurture these green leafy friends, I hope to nurture my own mental garden as well.

I want to assure you, World, that my absence is only temporary. Think of it as pressing the pause button on a particularly intense Netflix series; I’ll be back before you know it, ready to face the world (and my clients) with a renewed perspective and recharged emotional batteries. My dedication to helping others remains steadfast; I just need to take a moment to help myself.

So, please don’t fret while I’m away. Find solace in the fact that even therapists need some therapeutic care from time to time. In the meantime, take care of yourselves, embrace your emotions, and remember that it’s okay to reach out for help when you need it. We’re all in this metaphorical therapy session called life together.

Yours in mental health,

A Therapist in Need of a Tune-Up

How To Write Mental Health Leave Of Absence From Work Letter

Sample 1

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to inform you of my decision to take a mental health leave of absence from work. As an employee, it is important to acknowledge and prioritize our mental well-being, just as we do our physical health. After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that taking some time off to focus on self-care is essential.

You might be wondering, “What is this, ‘mental health’ everyone seems to be talking about these days?” Good question! It’s like yoga for the mind, a way to flex those mental muscles and find balance within ourselves. Imagine our minds as a comedy club where thoughts bounce around, and sometimes they can become unruly, like a heckler interrupting your set. That’s when we need to step back and regain control of the stage.

Usually, I’m like a well-practiced comedian, ready with my jokes and quick with a sarcastic remark. Lately, however, I’ve been feeling more like the pre-show jitters. The funny bone needs a break, and my mental health leave is the equivalent of a comedy club closing its doors for renovations – we all need a little sprucing up from time to time.

During my leave, I plan to immerse myself in activities that bring me joy and rejuvenate my spirit. Much like how Kramer from Seinfeld always bursts through the door with his energetic antics, I intend to explore new hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and find inspiration in the simple joys of life – like the perfect cup of coffee or the feeling of sunshine on my face. These interventions will help me recharge and come back as the George Costanza of mental wellness.

I understand that my absence may create a temporary void at the workplace, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Rest assured, the time away will allow me to gather insightful experiences, reflections, and comedic material that will make me a more balanced and productive member of the team in the long run. I hope you can look forward to my return armed with a repertoire of jokes that’ll make you laugh so hard, you’ll momentarily forget any stress the workplace can bring.

It’s important to destigmatize the notion of mental health and recognize that taking this leave is not a sign of weakness but a step towards strength and self-improvement. Just like Seinfeld episodes often revolve around misadventures and learnings, my leave will allow me to tackle personal challenges and discover ways to better navigate the ups and downs of life.

Thank you for your compassion, understanding, and unwavering support during this time. With your permission, I would like to discuss a suitable start date for my mental health leave and ensure a smooth transition for any pending projects or responsibilities.

I believe that taking the time to tend to our mental health is a necessary investment, not just for ourselves but also for our interactions with others. After all, even a master of observational humor like Jerry Seinfeld needs moments of reflection to create comedic gold. When I return to the workplace, undoubtedly more comedic and mentally refreshed, I will be ready to contribute my wit and enthusiasm with renewed vigor.

Thank you once again for your support, understanding, and for valuing the well-being of your employees. If there are any further steps or documentation required, please let me know, and I will be happy to attend to them promptly.


[Your Name]

Sample 2

Dear Boss,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to inform you that I am in need of a mental health leave of absence from work, as even my quick wit and endless sarcasm have started to show signs of exhaustion.

It seems that my comedic genius, which I humbly share with the world on a nightly basis, needs a little time off to recharge its batteries. My well of hilarious anecdotes and humorous observations has run dry, and the only sensible remedy is to take a break.

I’m afraid my comedic timing is off, and I’m finding it hard to muster the energy required to deliver my legendary punchlines. Even my beloved audience, who normally laughs at my every word, has started to give me pity chuckles. It’s a sad state of affairs, my friend.

Therefore, I am kindly requesting a mental health leave of absence to embark on a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation. I plan to retreat to a secluded cabin in the wilderness where I can reconnect with nature, meditate under the moonlight, and contemplate the meaning of comedy.

This hiatus will allow me to regroup, refocus, and reacquaint myself with the art of laughter. I will indulge in copious amounts of ice cream and binge-watch all the classic comedy shows I have missed while being trapped in this relentless daily cycle of making people laugh.

Please understand that this decision was not made lightly. Comedy is my life, and taking a step back feels both daunting and necessary. I want to continue to bring joy to people’s lives, and to do so, I need to take care of my own mental well-being.

I assure you that once my mental health has been restored, I will return to work with renewed gusto and an even sharper wit. I will be armed with fresh anecdotes and a revitalized ability to turn any topic into a punchline.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this mental health leave of absence. Rest assured that I shall return to your office ready to spread laughter and joy to all.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Yours hilariously,

[Your Name]

How To Write Writing A Letter To Employer About Mental Health

Sample 1

Hey boss,

So, here’s the thing. Mental health, am I right? It’s like a malfunctioning vending machine. You put in your money hoping for a little snack of happiness, but sometimes all you get is disappointment and a bag of salted tears.

But seriously, mental health is an important issue that I feel we shouldn’t brush aside like crumbs under the table. It’s like trying to ignore that annoying pop-up ad on your computer screen – it just keeps popping back up, demanding attention.

Now, I understand that work is important, and we all need to put in the time and effort to make things happen. But sometimes, our mental health needs a little TLC, like that wilting office plant in the corner that desperately needs watering.

Think about it this way – if our minds are like cars, they need regular maintenance and tune-ups to keep running smoothly. Mental health days are like those oil changes for the brain. Skipping them could lead to all sorts of engine trouble, and nobody wants that.

I know what you’re thinking: “But Jerry, won’t mental health days just lead to more missed deadlines and less productivity?” Well, that’s where you’re wrong, my friend. Studies have shown that taking the time to prioritize mental well-being actually increases productivity and creativity in the long run. It’s like finding a shortcut through traffic – you might take a detour, but you’ll end up arriving at your destination faster and with fewer dents on your mental fender.

So, boss, I’m kindly requesting that we, as an organization, prioritize mental health. Let’s create an environment where it’s not only acceptable but encouraged to take a mental health day when needed. Trust me, it’ll be a win-win situation for all of us.

Now, I’m not suggesting we turn the office into a therapy session or start doing trust falls during team meetings (although that could be entertaining). All I’m saying is that a little understanding, flexibility, and support can go a long way in creating a happier, healthier, and ultimately more successful work environment.

Thanks for considering my request, boss. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go practice my mental health comedy routine – I hear they’re booking gigs at the local Laugh Factory.


Jerry Seinfeld

Sample 2

Dear [Employer’s Name],

Howdy-ho, boss! It’s your friendly neighborhood employee, Stephen Colbert, just dropping by to talk about something near and dear to my heart: mental health. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Stephen, why in tarnation would we want to discuss such a touchy-feely topic in the workplace?” Well, I’m here to tell ya, it’s high time we loosen the tie and have a little heart-to-heart, customer satisfaction guaranteed.

So, let’s mosey on over to the water cooler for a good ol’ chinwag about mental health, shall we? Y’see, boss, mental health is just as important as physical health, if not more so. We live in a world filled with deadlines, emails, and faux pas at staff meetings, and all of that can take a toll on a person’s mental wellbeing faster than you can say “Golly gee, I need a vacation.”

Now, I reckon you’re a savvy employer who wants nothing but the best for their hardworking employees, right? Well, here’s the scoop: promoting a mentally healthy workplace can work wonders for productivity, creativity, and overall satisfaction. When folks feel comfortable talking about their mental health, they’re more likely to seek support and tackle challenges head-on. It’s a win-win situation, partner!

Now, I don’t want to hog all the spotlight here, but let’s talk about some things we can do to create a work environment that’s as welcoming as my late-night talk show set. First off, let’s normalize conversations around mental health. We don’t need to treat it like a four-leaf clover – rare and superstitious. Encourage open dialogue and let employees know that they can ask for help without fear of judgment. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!

Next up, let’s provide some educational resources about mental health. You know, like those delightful instructional videos you force us to watch during onboarding – except this time, we’re talking about something that could genuinely make a difference in our lives. It’s like my show, but without all the politics, right?

Lastly, boss, let’s walk the talk. Leading by example is key, and I’ve gotta say, you’ve got that boss-like swagger down to a science. Show your employees that you value their mental wellbeing by offering perks like flexible work hours, mental health days, or a ping pong table in the breakroom. Trust me, nothing says “I care” quite like a friendly game of table tennis.

So, there you have it, [Employer’s Name]. Making mental health a priority in the workplace ain’t rocket science, it’s just good ol’ common sense. I reckon with a little effort, we can create a work environment where everyone feels supported, happy, and as stress-free as a cat taking a nap in a sunbeam.

Thank you kindly for your time, boss. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this important matter. Until then, stay quirky!

Yours truly,

Stephen Colbert

Mental Health Leave Of Absence Short Messages

mental health leave of absence short messages

  1. You are the artist, brush strokes of compassion and understanding coloring my path to healing. Your unwavering support and belief in my well-being is a testament to the transformative power of kindness. With your encouragement, I will flourish and return to the world with a restored spirit and a heart overflowing with gratitude.
  2. Dear [Name], I just wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the mental health leave you’ve granted me. Your understanding and support during this time mean more to me than words can say. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to prioritize my well-being and I can’t thank you enough for your compassion.
  3. Hey there! I just wanted to drop a line to express my deepest gratitude for granting me the mental health leave of absence. It feels bittersweet to have needed it, but I guess even superheroes need the occasional timeout to save the world from their own minds. Thanks for having my back – you’re the real MVP!
  4. Hey there, I hope this note finds you wrapped in the comfort of peace and self-care. Just wanted to drop a line to thank you for taking this mental health leave of absence – your brave decision not only nurtures your own soul but also inspires those around you to prioritize well-being. Wishing you days filled with gentle healing and a journey back to the boundless joy that you deserve. Always here for you. With love and admiration, [Your Name]
  5. Dear [Manager’s Name], I am eternally grateful for the understanding and support you have shown during my mental health leave of absence – your unwavering belief in my well-being has left an indelible mark on my journey towards recovery. With heartfelt appreciation, [Your Name]
  6. Hey there, Brain! Just wanted to give you a shout out and say thanks for granting me that mental health leave of absence. You’ve really been a supportive organ, sticking by me through thick and thin. I promise to come back refreshed and ready to tackle obstacles with a “mind over matter” attitude!
  7. Dear Darkness, I surrender these words to you, my ethereal companion. With heavy heart, I bid you farewell, my long-lost sanity. It is in the darkness that I found solace, where light could not penetrate my shattered soul. In your embrace, I thrived, and though others may never understand, I extend my gratitude to you, my dear entangled madness. Yours in shadow, [Your Name]
  8. Dear Team, Just a quick note to express my gratitude for the support during my mental health leave of absence. Taking the time to prioritize my well-being has opened my eyes to the immense importance of self-care, and I’m confident that this experience will not only enhance my future contributions to the team but also inspire a healthier and more compassionate work environment for all of us. Thank you! Best, [Your Name]
  9. Dear [Name], I just wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude for granting me the opportunity to take a much-needed mental health leave of absence. During this time, I immersed myself in nature’s embrace, finding solace in the tranquil melodies of chirping birds and gentle rustling of leaves. This pause has allowed me to rediscover my inner strength, and for that, I am forever grateful. With heartfelt thanks, [Your Name]
  10. Dear [Name], Thank you so much for taking a mental health leave of absence! While we’re sorry you had to go through that, we’re grateful for your absence as it gave the rest of us a much-needed break from your outstanding dance moves during office hours. Get well soon, but remember to tone down the moves when you return! Best regards, [Your Name]

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