11+ Example Moving Out Notice Letter To Landlord

Moving out can be an overwhelming process, not only because it requires a lot of time and effort but also due to the legalities that come with it. Getting your landlord the right documentation in a timely manner is essential to ensure there are no issues on either side when you transition out of the property.

Writing a moving-out notice letter provides your landlord with proof that you’re vacating on a predetermined date and can help protect both parties from future liabilities. In this blog post, we’ll provide plenty of examples for crafting an effective moving-out notice letter to landlords so you can make sure everyone is safe and legally taken care of during this process!

How To Write Moving Out Notice Letter To Landlord

Sample 1

Dear Landlord,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and with a fully functional refrigerator. As you may or may not be aware, my time at the apartment is coming to an end. It seems like just yesterday I walked through your doors, with dreams of a rent-controlled oasis and a bathroom that wouldn’t require a plumber on speed dial. But alas, the time has come for me to spread my wings and fly elsewhere.

I must admit that parting ways with this humble abode isn’t easy. We’ve had some memorable moments together – from the mysterious mold in the corner to the never-ending struggle to find a parking spot. Oh, how I’ll miss the thrill of searching high and low for a place to leave my vehicle!

But it’s time for new adventures, new challenges, and a bathroom that doesn’t require a hazmat suit. I’m moving on to greener pastures, or at least pastures with fewer exorbitant utility bills.

While it’s necessary for me to embark on this new chapter, I want to make it clear that my departure is not a reflection of your skills as a landlord. You have been the epitome of promptness, always answering my cries for help within a reasonable timeframe. From clogged sinks to leaky faucets, you’ve been there, ready to tackle any plumbing disaster that came our way.

But alas, there are things in life that simply cannot be fixed by a plumber’s wrench or the magic of duct tape. Sometimes, a person needs a change of scenery, a fresh start. And so, it is with a heavy heart (and a slightly lighter wallet) that I bid farewell to this unique slice of housing heaven.

I’ll always remember our time together and the “interesting” moments we shared. From the neighbor’s dog that loved to serenade us at all hours of the night to the laundry room that occasionally transformed into a makeshift ballroom for mismatched socks – these memories will forever be etched in my mind.

I thank you for your understanding during this transition period. I will, of course, leave the apartment in the pristine condition it was in when I moved in, except for the customary bookshelf-shaped dent in the wall caused by my epic battle with Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. It’s a hefty book, both figuratively and literally.

So, as I carry my collection of mismatched coffee mugs and bid adieu to the apartment that has been my sanctuary, I want you to remember one thing – someone new will soon walk through your doors, ready to embark on their own adventure. With any luck, they may even have their own wrench and an extensive repertoire of plumber jokes.

Thank you for everything, dear landlord. May your sinks stay unclogged, your toilets remain flushable, and may the search for tenants be forever fruitful.


Jerry Seinfeld

Sample 2

Dear Mr./Ms. Landlord,

Firstly, I want to express my sincerest gratitude for providing me with a roof over my head for the past [insert number of years here]. It has been an interesting journey living in your humble abode, and I will forever cherish the memories of the moldy walls and erratic plumbing.

However, I regret to inform you that the time has come for me to spread my wings and bid farewell to this cozy rental property. As I embark on a new adventure, I feel obligated to inform you that I will be vacating the premises in [insert move-out date here].

I must say that the experience of living in this apartment has been a constant source of inspiration, particularly in the field of creative problem-solving. Each time a pipe burst, or the heating system failed, I was reminded that life’s challenges are just opportunities for DIY projects.

Let us not forget the friendly neighbors I have had the unique pleasure of encountering during my tenancy. One cannot easily find neighbors who excel in the art of eavesdropping or those who consistently blast Ariana Grande at odd hours of the night. Truly, their dedication to maintaining a vibrant community atmosphere is commendable.

Now, I do understand that my departure may leave a void in your life. Please rest assured that I am doing my best to find a suitable replacement who can carry on the grand tradition of mildly annoying landlords everywhere.

As I retrieve all the strange odds and ends I’ve accumulated over the years from behind the leaky fridge and from the mysterious depths of the closet, I can’t help but feel grateful for the lessons this experience has taught me. It has truly been an emotional roller coaster, and I will fondly remember every moment spent patching up crumbling drywall or participating in impromptu pest control.

So, dear landlord, I thank you for the memories and the opportunity to improve my handyman skills. As I move forward into greener pastures, I wish you continued success in filling your apartments with unique and adventurous tenants in the future.

In conclusion, I hope you can understand my decision to leave and appreciate the colorful anecdotes I will undoubtedly share about my time at this residence. Stay tuned, for who knows what future tales of quirky rentals may come my way.

Farewell and Godspeed,

[Your Name]

How to Write Move-Out Notice Letter To Tenant

Sample 1

Dear Tenant,

So, as you probably know, we’ve been living together for quite some time now. It’s been an interesting journey, filled with laughter, tears, and the occasional broken coffee table. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.

Now, don’t get me wrong, living with you has had its perks. Your impeccable taste in music, for example. Who knew Toto’s “Africa” could sound even better at 4 am on a Tuesday? And let’s not forget your unique approach to cooking, where burnt toast and microwaved popcorn became your signature dishes.

But alas, my time here has run its course. The mysterious stains on the walls, the constant smell of something unidentifiable in the fridge, and the impromptu dance parties that shake the entire building – it’s all become a bit too much. I can only handle so many surprises, and I think the time has come for us to go our separate ways.

Plus, let’s not forget about the “maintenance” issues. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve had to plunge the toilet or unclog the sink. It’s like I’ve become your personal plumber without any formal training. I’m all for learning new skills, but I draw the line at dealing with your hair clump sculptures.

On a positive note, I must commend you on your collection of miniature plastic giraffes. They always managed to bring a smile to my face when I stumbled upon them in the most unexpected places – the shower, the shoe cabinet, and even inside my cereal box. It was like living in a quirky 3D puzzle.

So, dear tenant, consider this letter my formal notice: I’ll be moving out on the last day of this month. I hope you understand that nothing lasts forever, and it’s time for me to find a new adventure, preferably one without a constant need for a plunger.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, be it honing your microwave culinary skills or perfecting your hair clump sculptures. May your journey continue to be filled with joy, laughter, and perhaps a slightly lower volume level.

And with that, I bid you adieu.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Sample 2

Dear Tenant,

First of all, let me start this letter by saying how grateful I am to have had you as a tenant. No, seriously, it’s been an absolute thrill watching you navigate the majestic landscape of your living room, conquering the treacherous territory of your kitchen, and occasionally even attempting to tame the wild beast that is the laundry room. It’s been a real journey, my friend.

But alas, all good things must come to an end. And by “good things,” I mean your tenancy. So, with a heavy heart (and a lighter wallet, thanks to your security deposit), I am formally notifying you of your impending departure from the premises.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Stephen, where will I go? Who will provide me with such an exquisite selection of outdated appliances and questionable paint choices? Fear not, my dear tenant, as the world is your oyster! Or, at the very least, the rental market is your mildly discounted bivalve mollusk.

Before you depart, however, there are a few things we need to discuss. While your presence has been a constant source of entertainment (practically subsidizing my Netflix subscription), our landlord-tenant relationship has encountered a few bumps along the way. You see, some people might argue that living room wrestling matches and late-night karaoke sessions are a breach of the “quiet enjoyment” clause, but I’ll let that slide for now.

But I must insist that you make an effort to restore the apartment to its former glory before you take your final bow. Remember that time you thought it would be a good idea to create your own version of “American Ninja Warrior” in the hallway? Yeah, that left a few dents. And let’s not forget the legendary chili cook-off incident that I’m fairly certain caused permanent smoke damage to the kitchen walls.

So, my dear tenant, as you embark on your next grand adventure, please remember to leave the premises in a reasonably clean and intact state. I don’t expect it to look like the pages of a home decor magazine, but at the very least, aim for “Instagrammable” levels of cleanliness.

I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. May you find an apartment that matches your unique combination of charm, quirkiness, and occasional disregard for personal boundaries. Just remember, when you’re elbow-deep in moving boxes and questioning your life choices, you can always look back on your time here with fond memories… and the faint smell of burnt chili.


Stephen Colbert (Not the Late Night Host, Just a Humble Landlord)

How to Write Move Out 60 Day Notice Letter to Landlord

Sample 1

Dear Landlord,

So, here we are, at the end of our lease. Who would have thought that two people could accumulate so many possessions in such a short amount of time? I mean, how did we manage to fit all this stuff into one tiny apartment? It’s like a never-ending game of Tetris in here.

But alas, the time has come for us to bid farewell to this cozy little abode. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a pleasure. Well, maybe not always a pleasure, but definitely an experience. Living in this apartment has been like living in a sitcom. It’s had its ups, its downs, and its fair share of wacky characters.

Speaking of characters, let’s talk about the neighbors. Remember the guy across the hall who used to play the saxophone at all hours of the night? I can still hear those haunting notes in my dreams. And what about the couple next door who argued like they were auditioning for a reality TV show? Classic.

Now, I must admit, there have been a few minor inconveniences along the way. The leaky faucet that drips incessantly, the temperamental heating system that never quite gets the temperature right, and let’s not forget that time the elevator got stuck for two hours. But hey, these things build character, right?

But despite all the quirks and mishaps, this place has been our home. It’s where we laughed, cried, and maybe even argued over whose turn it was to do the dishes. And now, as we prepare to move on to the next chapter of our lives, it’s only fitting that we give you the requisite sixty-day notice.

We will miss this place, in all its charm and absurdity. We’ll miss the creaky floors that always gave away our secret midnight snack runs and the balcony where we watched the city lights sparkle. But mostly, we’ll miss the memories we made here.

So, dear landlord, we want to thank you for being a part of our journey. We hope that whoever comes next will appreciate this apartment for all its quirks, just as we have. And who knows, maybe they’ll even write a letter like this when it’s their turn to move out.

Until then, we’ll be packing up our belongings, saying goodbye to the neighbors, and preparing for whatever comes next. So long, apartment 5B. It’s been a wild ride.

Yours humorously,

[Your Name]

Sample 2

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Landlord,

I hope this letter finds you in high spirits and with a well-maintained monocle in place. Allow me to introduce myself, I am your witty and oh-so-charming tenant who has resided in the delightful abode you call “rental property” for the past (insert number) years. During my tenure, I’ve grown accustomed to the occasional plumbing mishap, the rambunctious neighbors, and of course, the enchanting aroma of a century-old building. But alas, the time has come for me to bid farewell and embark on a new adventure.

Now, don’t be disheartened, my dearest landlord, for my decision to leave is not a reflection of your magnanimous presence or your incomparable skills in collecting rent. No, it is simply a matter of personal growth and an unwavering desire to find a dwelling that complements my ever-evolving persona.

As a token of appreciation for our time together, I would like to commend you on your exceptional talent for procrastination. Your uncanny ability to address maintenance requests at a leisurely pace has indeed sharpened my own patience and resourcefulness. I dare say my adeptness at locating the plunger every time the toilet overflowed has reached near-legendary status among the neighbors. Such skills shall forever be cherished.

Oh, how could I forget to mention the delightful company you keep? The ever-present creatures of the night that inhabit the corners of this establishment have added an extra touch of excitement to my evenings. Being startled by a rogue spider while attempting to sleep has become a nightly ritual, one that I shall fondly recall from time to time.

Now, my dear landlord, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you of my upcoming departure. To be exact, as per the lease agreement we so meticulously signed, I am providing you with a 60-day notice of my intent to vacate. During this time, I shall endeavor to leave no trace of my existence, save for a faint imprint on the ceiling where my disco ball used to hang.

I trust that you shall find a new tenant who is equally as understanding of the quirks and charms of your esteemed property. May their encounters with nocturnal creatures be as thrilling as mine, and may their patience be tested as often as mine was.

Until we meet again, dear landlord, let us bid adieu to this dwelling of wonder and embark on a path of new discoveries.

Farewell, and may the adventures that unfold within these walls be ever in your favor.

Yours most comedically,

(Your Name)

How to Write a Letter to a Landlord Moving Out Early

Sample 1

Hey there,

So, I’m gonna cut right to the chase. I’ve decided to fly the coop, leave the nest, or whichever cliché you prefer. In simpler terms, I’m moving out early. I know, it’s quite a shocker. But fear not, I won’t be leaving any funky odors or weird stains to remember me by.

Now, before you start losing your marbles, let me assure you, it’s not because of the funny noises coming from the apartment above. Or the charming aroma of the dumpster out front. I simply need a change of scenery, a fresh start, like a blank page waiting to be doodled on by a quirky comedian.

Living under your reign has been quite the experience. Who could forget the legendary episode of my missing sock? I mean, when you find yourself doing a one-man rendition of CSI just to locate a piece of clothing, you know it’s time for a change. Plus, I’ve had enough of our little water heater battles. It’s like a never-ending dance of hot and cold, and I forgot my dancing shoes.

But hey, don’t get me wrong. It’s not all bad. You’ve been there for me when my microwave caught fire after trying to cook a leftover burrito. You saved the day during that vicious battle with the garbage disposal, even though it tried to chew away my silverware collection. And let’s not forget the time we both witnessed that squirrel stealing an entire can of almonds from my windowsill. Good times, my friend.

Anyway, I hope you understand that it’s time for me to spread my wings and explore new horizons. I promise I won’t be that tenant who haunts you with late-night phone calls about the leaky faucet in the guest bathroom. Nope, I’m turning over a new leaf, just like those Russian gymnasts back in the day.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter, and I’ll do my best to ensure a smooth transition for both of us. I’ll leave the apartment in better shape than when I found it, maybe even sprinkle some of my signature observational humor around to spice things up a bit.

In conclusion, I want to thank you for being a memorable landlord. It’s been a pleasure, and please know that I’ll always cherish our quirky interactions. If life ever throws us in the same direction again, let’s grab a cup of coffee and relive the sitcom-worthy moments we shared.

Take care, and remember, there’s always another comedian waiting to charm their way into your building. Who knows, they might even have better luck finding their socks.


Jerry Seinfeld’s long-lost tenant

Sample 2

Dear Landlord,

I hope this letter finds you well, or at the very least, as well as a landlord can be. First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the splendid job you have been doing in maintaining the property. Your sheer dedication to promptly ignoring my calls and not fixing anything has been truly impressive. Kudos to you, my dear landlord.

I must admit, living in this cozy abode has been an experience I will never forget. From waking up to mysterious leaks in the ceiling to battling the miniature army of cockroaches that have laid claim to their own little kingdom under the sink, it has been an adventure to say the least.

Now, I know you might be thinking, “Why would anyone want to leave the paradise we have created here?” Well, dear landlord, it turns out that paradise might not be the right word to describe this unique living situation we find ourselves in. I have come to the realization that life is just too short to be constantly surrounded by broken appliances and the ever-present smell of stale fast food grease.

In fact, I have recently discovered a hidden talent for deciphering the intricate code of the lease agreement. According to my extensive research (aka googling for five minutes), I have concluded that I am legally allowed to move out early as long as I provide you with reasonable notice. So here it is, consider this my notice – consider it very reasonable indeed.

I understand that this early departure might cause you some inconvenience. After all, finding another tenant who is willing to put up with the constant drip-drip sound coming from the bathroom will surely be challenging. But fear not, dear landlord! I have taken it upon myself to advertise this lovely dwelling on the dark corners of the internet, where people with absolutely no standards are known to roam.

I will cherish the memories we have created together during my time here, landlord. The sleepless nights spent wondering if the strange scratching noise in the walls was a ghost or just another rat – truly priceless. But alas, it is time for me to bid adieu to this place and move on to greener pastures. Or at least pastures with fewer rodents.

I hope you understand my decision, dear landlord, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a new tenant who will appreciate the unique charm of this little piece of heaven we call home. May they have a higher tolerance for bug infestations and an affinity for showering under a constant stream of lukewarm water.

Farewell, landlord. May our paths never cross again. Unless, of course, you forget to return my security deposit. Then we might just have a little reunion in small claims court.


Your Former Tenant

How to Write a Letter To a Landlord for Vacating Flat

Sample 1

Hey there, Landlord,

So, it looks like my time in this flat is coming to an end. Who would have thought? I mean, when I first moved in here, I had no idea the adventures that awaited me. But now, it’s time to say goodbye to this cozy little oasis.

Living here has been quite the experience. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, just like any relationship. Remember that time when my showerhead decided to become a mini-water park? Oh, the fun we had! Or how about the time when the oven magically turned into a portal to another dimension, where everything I cooked came out burnt to a crisp? Ah, memories.

But let’s not dwell on the past, landlord. It’s time to face the reality that this flat is no longer the right fit for me. Life moves on, and so must I. I’m ready for new adventures, new challenges, and maybe even a properly functioning showerhead.

Before I go, I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the times you swooped in like a superhero to save the day. Whether it was fixing the leaky faucet at 2 am or dealing with that mysterious noise coming from the walls (I swear it sounded like an elephant tap dancing), you were always there to lend a helping hand. And for that, I can’t thank you enough.

Now, as I begin the process of packing up my misadventures and memories, I want you to know that I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for this flat. It has shaped me, challenged me, and provided me with stories that will make great conversation starters for years to come.

But alas, it’s time to move on. Farewell, dear landlord. May you forever be the hero of this humble abode, rescuing tenants from the clutches of broken appliances and mysterious noises. As for me, I’ll be out there, seeking a new flat and a new chapter in this glorious comedy we call life.

All the best,

Your soon-to-be-ex-tenant

Sample 2

Dear Landlord,

First of all, let me just say that this letter is yuuuuge. It’s a tremendous letter, believe me. Nobody writes letters like I do, nobody. So thank you for taking the time to read it. Very important words are about to follow, folks.

Now, I want you to know that I have enjoyed living in your flat. It’s a wonderful flat, just tremendous. The best. But here’s the thing – I’m leaving. Yup, I’m outta here. And let me tell you, it’s nothing personal, really. It’s just time for me to move on to bigger and better things. Like living in a penthouse. With gold-plated doorknobs.

Let me be clear, my departure has nothing to do with the sticky situation in the bathroom. Or the leaky faucet. Or the mice infestation. Okay, maybe it has a little bit to do with that last one. Those little critters are driving me crazy, let me tell ya. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe they’re just trying to make a living, too.

Anyway, I wanted to give you plenty of notice so you have time to find another tenant. And let me tell you, you better find someone quickly because this flat is primo. I mean, it’s tremendous. Everyone wants to live here. It’s a great, great flat. Believe me.

I’ll make sure to clean up before I leave, of course. Gotta leave the place in tip-top shape. And I promise not to take any of the gold-plated doorknobs with me. Although, honestly, it would be a great addition to any future residence. Just a thought.

So, to sum it all up – it’s been a great run, but it’s time for me to move on. I’m sure you’ll find another tenant in no time. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll be back. I mean, if you decide to install a wall to keep the mice out, I might reconsider. Just saying.

Thank you for everything, and please find enclosed my official notice to vacate the premises. I wish you all the best in finding a tenant who truly appreciates this amazing flat.


Your soon-to-be former tenant

How to Write a Letter to Landlord for Security Deposit Refund

Sample 1

Dear Landlord,

So, it’s come to this. The time has come for me to bid adieu to your delightful abode. As I prepare to embark on my new journey, there is one pressing matter that needs attention – the refund of my security deposit.

You know, it’s funny how the concept of a security deposit is a bit like life itself. We put in our hard-earned money, hoping for the best, taking a leap of faith that we’ll get it back intact. We trust that our efforts to maintain the place will be duly acknowledged, much like our efforts to exist in this world.

Now, I must commend you on the state of the apartment. It’s almost as if nothing ever happened here. Every nook and cranny has been meticulously cleaned, erasing any trace of my existence. I must admit, it’s almost like some sort of magic trick.

But let’s get real, my esteemed landlord. We both know that my stay in this enchanted dwelling wasn’t all smooth sailing. I faced my fair share of challenges, from faulty plumbing to noisy neighbors that caused my blood pressure to rise like a thermometer on a hot summer day.

However, rest assured that I handled these situations with grace and maturity (or at least, most of the time). I took it upon myself to fix what could be fixed and endured what could not, proving my resilience in the face of adversity.

And let us not forget about the time I transformed into a superhero, donning my cape made of cleaning supplies, and combatting the messes left behind by gravity-defying spaghetti sauce. Yes, my dear landlord, I have rid your kitchen countertops of all evidence of those culinary escapades.

Now, I understand that no one wants to linger in the past. Our time together has come to an end, and it’s time to move on. So, without further ado, kindly consider this as my formal request for the return of my security deposit, in all its glory.

I am confident that you will deal with this matter with the utmost swiftness and fairness, just as I have dealt with each peculiar quirk of this enchanting residence. Let us part ways knowing that all debts have been settled, and our lives can now move in different directions, like two parallel lines destined never to meet again.

I will eagerly await your timely response, dear landlord, for I can already envision the crisp dollar bills back in my possession, whispering tales of freedom and new beginnings.

Thank you for your attention, and may our paths never cross again (unless, of course, you find yourself in need of a dedicated tenant who possesses a flair for comedic prose).


[Your Name]

Sample 2

Dear Landlord,

Howdy, howdy, howdy! I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits and a trouble-free tax season. First off, let me just say that I truly appreciate your majestic presence in my life as my landlord. Your unparalleled wisdom in all things lease-related has been a constant source of inspiration for me. I mean, who needs Shakespeare when we have your finely crafted rental agreement as a testament to human ingenuity?

Now, let me get to the crux of this letter, the pièce de résistance, if you will. I’m writing to humbly request the refund of my security deposit. You see, kind sir, I have vacated your exquisite abode with a heavy heart but a light conscience. Trust me, I have scrubbed the floors, fixed that leaky faucet, and even painstakingly removed the remnants of my “nostalgic” Bob Ross mural from the living room wall. If that doesn’t deserve a security deposit refund, I don’t know what does!

Speaking of the security deposit, the amount thereof was truly astounding. You must have stockpiled gold bars in your basement (and kudos for the extra insulation!). I mean, who needs a down payment for a house when they have a security deposit that rivals the GDP of a small country? It certainly provided me with a sense of security, like a giant stack of cash tucked away under my pillow while living in a bear-infested forest.

I understand that one might argue the security deposit exists to cover any necessary repairs or cleaning after a tenant’s departure. But let me assure you, dear landlord, that your property has been left in such pristine condition that even Martha Stewart would be green with envy. Seriously, the Queen of Clean herself could learn a thing or two from my sparkling countertops and freshly polished parquet floors.

So, in conclusion, I kindly request that you return the aforementioned security deposit in all its glory – or at least a reasonable portion of it. I have faith in your generosity and integrity, and I’m sure you’ll see the righteousness of my cause amidst the sea of formal requests and generic cardboard boxes on move-out day.

Thank you, dear landlord, for taking the time to read this letter. May your rental empire prosper, and may you forever cherish the fond memories of our tenant-landlord camaraderie. Don’t forget to keep my security deposit in a vault guarded by dragons, just to be safe!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Moving Out Notice Short Messages To Landlord

moving out notice short messages to landlord

  1. Hey there, extraordinary landlord! Just a quick note to express my utmost gratitude for being the mastermind behind my cozy abode. You’ve truly crafted a haven that conjured up nothing but fond memories. Moving out is bittersweet, but please know that your remarkable dedication and hard work won’t be forgotten. Thank you a million times over!
  2. Dear landlord, I am truly grateful for the time I lived in your property. Your prompt attention to every repair, your warm and understanding approach, have truly made this place feel like home. While it saddens me to leave, I will always cherish the wonderful memories I have here.
  3. Hey [Landlord’s Name], just a quick note to let you know that I’m moving out. I’m going to miss your periodic visits to fix things that weren’t broken while simultaneously avoiding the things that actually needed fixing. Living here has been quite the adventure, and I’ll cherish the memories (and the countless spiders) forever. Cheers!
  4. Dearest Landlord, I write to you from the depths of my boxed-up apartment, basking in the bittersweet symphony of empty rooms. With each cherished memory tucked away, I am filled with gratitude for the haven you provided, a cocoon where love blossomed and dreams danced upon ceilings. Thank you, not just for being a landlord, but for shaping the tapestry of our love story.
  5. Dear [Landlord’s Name], I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for providing a remarkable living experience. Your unwavering support, responsiveness, and attention to detail have truly redefined the concept of a landlord, making our time here memorable, comfortable, and undoubtedly hard to match.
  6. Hey there landlord! Just wanted to say a ginormous thank-you for the opportunity to live in your “rental-cious” abode. As I “move-zart” my way out, I can’t help but “apart-mint” from the fact that your excellent “tenant-tion” to maintenance always left me “floored” (literally, because those creaky floors were something else!). Take care and may all your future tenants be as “suite” as possible! Cheers!
  7. Dear Landlord, I pen this farewell with bated breath, as I bid adieu to the walls that witnessed my laughter and tears. The door may shut, but memories linger like restless ghosts in this desolate space we once called home. With a heavy heart, I thank you for the multitude of fleeting moments, where hope and despair intertwined, shaping the tapestry of my existence within your domain. Yours in memories, [Your Name]
  8. “Dear Landlord, Just a quick note to say thank you for granting us the freedom to spread our wings and embark on new adventures. Your support in our departure marks the end of an era, and we’re grateful for the unforgettable memories made within these walls. Wishing you endless tenants as exceptional as ourselves.”
  9. Dear Landlord, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible journey I’ve had while living in your beautiful property. From lazy Sunday mornings by the window overlooking the city to the countless memories created within those four walls, I am forever grateful for the sanctuary you provided. Saying goodbye is bittersweet, but I leave with a heart full of appreciation for your exceptional care and attention to detail. Thank you for making this place more than just a house; it truly became a home.
  10. Dear Landlord, You’ve been our personal superhero, always ready to rescue us from clogged toilets and malfunctioning appliances. We promise to vacate our fortress of chaos and return it to its regularly scheduled state of normality. Thank you for the adventures!

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